The Effects Of Chlorine On Your Skin

The Effects Of Chlorine On Your Skin

Pretty much everybody knows that chlorine is an extremely common sanitizing agent that is very effective at preventing bacteria and other harmful organisms from making you sick.  But what a lot of people don’t know is that although chlorine offers many...
Benefits Of A Saltwater Pool

Benefits Of A Saltwater Pool

As average summer temperatures unfortunately begin to rise in Arizona, the luxury of a pool is becoming more and more of a common necessity to beat the heat and properly enjoy summer. And as we wave goodbye to the 2021 summer, you may be starting to plan to treat...
The Effects Of Sunlight On Chlorine

The Effects Of Sunlight On Chlorine

Residents know that the summers in Arizona can get very, very hot.  In the later summer months, temperatures can rise to 115 degrees or even hotter. So, when it comes to outdoor activities, your pool is your safest bet. Jumping into a pool of cool water in the...